Sentate takes this role very seriously, describing themselves as “a luxury virtual fashion house that seeks to bring high fashion to the world of The Sims.” What is impressive though is that Sentate makes haute couture for the Sims 4.

While cool, just about every creator makes these which kind of makes it seem less impressive. Sims 4 custom content sets for clothing aren’t really much to write home about. These Sims 4 custom content sets are base game compatible. The Kichen set makes your kitchens better with counters that come with a wide variety of wood swatches and the most stylish dining table sets you’ll see in a video game.

The Kichen Set: Kitchen counters and appliances in the Sims 4 kinda suck.The Bafroom set is a brutalist/minimalist build mode set that brings lush plant walls and concrete bathtubs to your builds. The Bafroom Set: Bathrooms are boring to build but Felixandre and Harrie’s Bafroom set makes them more fabulous.Think colonial Southeast Asia (Dutch Malaysia, French Vietnam, etc.) and that’s exactly what this set looks like. Colonial Set: The Colonial set is a tropical colonial aesthetic set that features 1700s to 1800s themed furniture with crisp, modern swatches.The collection is split between Schwerin Castle Exterior Items and Petit Trianon Interior Items patterned after real-life castles of the same name. Schwerin Castle and Petit Trianon Set: Released in September 2017, this is one of Felixandre’s earliest and best-known CC sets.Here are some of Felixandre and Harrie’s best Sims 4 CC packs for the Build and Buy mode: The two mix historical and cultural inspirations with modern designs to create unique Sims 4 custom content sets.

Recently, he’s been collaborating with another great creator who goes by Harrie. No one else was making CC of different architectural styles at the time, let alone doing them so well that they blended into the Sims 4 visual style called Maxis Match. What set him apart, though, was the quality and uniqueness of his CC. He quickly gained popularity as a custom content creator after releasing a few free sets back when the Sims 4 barely had any substantial build mode-oriented official packs. If you’ve seen a cool historical-themed lot on YouTube made by a Simstuber, chances are they’re using custom content made by Felixandre.įelixandre is a 33-year-old Sims 4 CC creator based in Germany. French chateau-inspired build created by Simspassion using Felixandre’s Paris CC set.įelixandre is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable CC creators in the Sims 4 community.